Sunday, June 26, 2011


Cranes squeak with laughter early morning in Nice-
hover around my balcony that overlooks the beach.
Shop-keepers clank open the shutters,
and coffee lingers longer in the air.
Come alive those small streets and lanes
as sunlight announces a long bright day.
Beige rocks on white pebbles shore-
along run long stretches of broad promenade.
Few miles down is Monte Carlo.
Sleek yachts sway to rocking parties.
Life here shifts to top gear,
and spurs you on with a new set of feet.
I bow, my sensors tuned for optimum reach
lest, I miss this subtle charm of Nice.

Friday, June 3, 2011


Red Swiss train spirals the country-side.
Looking out of the big window I see nature passing by.
Milk and wool graze on vast open fields.
Snow braces clouds over the deep green valleys.
Wooden cottages with their smoking chimneys.
Bed of lilies form a ring around them.
A river runs along the fields, rails, bridges.
Long stretched piers to sit and fish.
I feel I'm living in a post card-
painted and framed on God's canvas.
The locomotive hisses past the alpine trees,
through dark tunnels at a gentle speed.
In the big glass I reflect of amaze and wonder.
To this land of Swiss I surrender.