Thursday, June 27, 2024

Dr. Parmar


Just before we took a dip,

the doctor would summon us.

Calm and cool, quick with a quip,

brought back smiles lost in our rush.

Humour was our daily fuel-

snippets and his anecdotes. 

Then we would walk to the pool

along with his dose of quotes.

I wish he comes back to swim-

water rolls and beckons him. 

Friday, June 14, 2024



Tongue rattles with its own sound.

Silence thinks it is supreme.

The eyes express and expound,

and thoughts whisper in your dream.

Hands speak with their sweet old sign.

Nose flares displaying dissent.

A smile can console a whine.

And rare, the language of scent.

The soul sighs or sometimes yells.

Tears' tune is universal.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

The Handkerchief


It was a hot, scorching hot, summer day. I was in the train travelling to my office. The train was practically empty save for one or two passengers. I took a seat, and  put my hand in my pocket to take out my handkerchief to wipe my face or probably the whole body. And as luck would have it -  I had forgotten to carry one. Of all days. Of all days. Damn it! And, as if the sun had heard my cursing, it became hotter with fury and poured out its warmth with all the generosity. I started sweating profusely looking here and there confusedly. I unbuttoned half of my shirt staring at the co-passenger accusingly as if it was his doing. He looked at me blankly, and then suddenly got up to get out at the next station which was probably much before the station he had wanted to get off at. I didn’t care and started grumbling again. Just then out of nowhere I spotted a neat, white, fresh handkerchief lying on the seat opposite me. I blinked, stared, couldn't believe what I was seeing. Mirage? God had finally heard me. And how? Nah! not possible. I was sweating alright but swearing even more for God to be that kind. The handkerchief looked ironed and pressed. I looked here and there hoping no one would claim it if I picked it up. In two minds before I made up my mind. What the hell! The handkerchief was there to be taken. The next station arrived. The train stopped. Nobody got out, but more importantly nobody got in. I was about to pick up the handkerchief, my saviour, when one small girl, an urchin, jumped into the train when it was about to start moving. She looked here and there furtively, probably looking for food. She looked at me and smiled. She had long curly, unruly hair, and a cute little smile. She too was sweating, what with all the running around she must have been doing looking for food or money for food. I smiled back. And then, she spotted the handkerchief lying on the seat. I started to sweat even more. She looked at me. She had that questioning, requesting look. And I, with all my effort, looked away as if I wasn't aware the handkerchief was lying there. She approached the seat gingerly lest someone say something to her. Slowly and timidly she picked up the handkerchief. And before she pocketed it, she glanced at me one more time. Oh! how much I wanted that damn handkerchief. Again, with all my willpower I looked away. She felt assured, and slowly she pocketed it. The next station arrived. She got down. As the train started moving I looked out the window. She was standing and staring right through the window at me. She folded her hands and there was a slight movement of her lips in gratitude. Man! What did I do to deserve that? The handkerchief wasn’t mine. Yes - I needed it badly but well. Half-heartedly I waved back. I closed my eyes and wished her good luck.The sun shone unabated, the sweat continued to pour, but - I was a happier man.